High-res Esquire has had one of the best Grilled Cheese Month features going, and now, as the month ends, they’re looking for your vote for Best Grilled Cheese:
“   Grilled cheese. Yes, it’s simple, but this month has proven just how complex it can be. We’ve...

Esquire has had one of the best Grilled Cheese Month features going, and now, as the month ends, they’re looking for your vote for Best Grilled Cheese:

Grilled cheese. Yes, it’s simple, but this month has proven just how complex it can be. We’ve seen “temples of curd,” the puritanically standard bacon-and-American grilled cheeses, and heated debates over what exactly constitutes a proper grilled cheese. Does it have to be predominantly cheese? Does it have to be made with sliced bread? Does it have to be made in America? At the end of the day, is it ever worth $12 for something so easy to make at home? In the midst of this glorious, cheesy month, we admittedly did our best to ignore many of those questions, and instead just strove to eat as many as we could, trying not to become too enraptured by the quest while we were at it. Journalistic objectivity be damned, this was a lot of fun, and we’d like to hear from you as well, to help us decide — Who Makes the Most Life-Changing Grilled Cheese?

Vote for your pick in the poll below. We’re well aware that this list will never be complete, so you can continute the conversation in the comments below, on Facebook, or on Twitter at #MostLifeChangingGrilledChz.

contestants include Murrays, Little Muenster, Tartine, and many more. 

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