日時:2015年5月17日 午後0時
このデモは、NPO法人外国人犯罪追放運動 というネオナチ団体が、15歳の外国籍少年個人をターゲットにして「日本から出て行け」と往来で騒ぎ立てるためのものです(少年の支援団体ウェブサイトはこちら→http://yamanashi-oasis.seesaa.net/ 何が問題なのかは、マイルストーン総合法律事務所のこの記事参照→http://ameblo.jp/yoyogiuehara-milestone/entry-12019002562.html )
2009年の蕨では「行動する保守」に対する初のカウンターとして後の「しばき隊」メンバー含む十数人が集まりましたが、彼らに対して無力でした。2015年の秋葉原ではどうでしょうか。外国人嫌悪にもとづく弱者への幼稚な嫌がらせに対して、日本の社会はどのような反応を見せるのでしょう? 我々は、必要なあらゆる手段を使ってこのデモを阻止し、排外主義者たちを街から叩き出すべきではないでしょうか。
DATE: May 17th, 2015. 0:00PM
GATHER AROUND: Sakuma Park (See map)
TARGET: A rally and demonstration by the racist NPO.
ATTENTION: Totally non-violent action. DO NOT TOUCH any police officers because they are extremely brutal and dangerous.
We shall stop the hate crime.
The supposed purpose of the racist rally and demonstration planned for May 17th in Akihabara is to abuse a 15 year old individual with foreign nationality by idling around the streets of Akihabara and shouting “Get out of Japan!” It has been called by a xenophobic NPO called The Movement for Eliminating Crimes by Foreigners that has been unbelievably approved by the Metropolitan government.
In April 2009, xenophobes that call themselves Conservatives In Action, including this NPO along with the Zaitokukai and others, held a similar abusive demonstration in Warabi city, Saitama prefecture targeting a 14 year old Filipino girl whose parents were undocumented. They marched just in front of the girl’s Junior High School and repeatedly shouted appalling abuse such as “Foreign criminals! Get out of Japan!“ This action drew criticism even from conservatives. At the end of the same year, they attacked a Korean Primary School in Kyoto, which was later judged by the Supreme Court as a hate crime. The major targets of this group have always been children with foreign nationalities. This time is no different.
The Zaitokukai, which started as something like a study group, mainly making written demands and proposals to municipal organizations, boosted their domestic profile and gained their followers in the aftermath of the Warabi demonstration. It was a matter of shame for the whole of Japanese society. Once again this time it would seem that their cowardly purpose is only to satisfy their own perverted sadistic tendencies and to create an opportunity to gain supporters.
In Warabi city 2009, no more than a dozen people including current C.R.A.C. members appeared as the first counter-protesters against Conservatives In Action but they were powerless against them. How will it be in Akihabara 2015? How will Japanese society react to their childish harassment of the weak driven by xenophobia? Surely, we should stop them and beat them out of town by any means necessary?
Please join us at noon on May 17th around Sakuma Park near Akihabara stn.
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