Chris Gaskey.

Nerdy, empathetic libtard. Lover of movies, horror/sci-fi/fantasy, reading, music, & dogs. Hater of meanies.

I can’t really say that there’s one specific thing about religion that caused me to become an atheist because, to be honest about it, it’s been over twenty years since I declared spiritual and intellectual independence and I probably just don’t remember.

But, if I were to harbor a guess it’d probably be the story of humanity’s first big fuck-up: eating from the Tree of Knowledge.


It’s right there almost from jump street.

According to this book, our first collective mistake was the pursuit of knowledge. They come right out of the gate and just say that it’s against God’s very first rule ever to want the ability to reason and think for yourself, and to know anything about anything!

Seeing as how blatant and voluntary stupidity and ignorance absolutely offends and enrages me beyond just about any other thing that exists in this world… yeah, it was probably that part.

— me, in response to the question, “Is there any one thing you can say caused your atheism?”

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