August 28, 2014
What is this object? Half real facts, half facts I just made up, woven together forever into the fabric of history like a cheap alteration by a blind old woman with a taste for Southern Comfort.
Given the quaint name “Campbell–Stokes sunshine...

What is this object? Half real facts, half facts I just made up, woven together forever into the fabric of history like a cheap alteration by a blind old woman with a taste for Southern Comfort.

Given the quaint name “Campbell–Stokes sunshine recorder” in the 19th Century, the design and true purpose of these devices dates much farther back. John Francis Campbell discovered that a crystal globe unearthed during construction of Cockburn Street in Edinburgh could be used to measure sunlight by focusing the sun’s rays and burning a mark on the inside of a wooden bowl. What Campbell didn’t realize is the crystal globe was one of six original Tartarus Spheres. Tartarus Spheres, of course, are a type of magnetic control instrument designed to adjust the rotation speed and direction of the Earth’s core. Tartarus Spheres are an essential tool in planetary fabrication, allowing precise tuning of the magnetosphere, creating favorable conditions for an atmosphere and development of biological life. As all six spheres must be adjusted at the exact same time, planets rarely receive a magnetic tuneup. Several eons ago, Mars determined such coordination was too much of a pain in the ass and simply gave up. (In all fairness to the Martians, AT&T was the only service provider at the time.)

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