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“ After riots, art is testing the boundaries of free expression in the new Tunisia
“ Over the past month, many artists in Tunisia have found themselves at the forefront of a battle between ultra-orthodox Salafist Muslims and the...


After riots, art is testing the boundaries of free expression in the new Tunisia

Over the past month, many artists in Tunisia have found themselves at the forefront of a battle between ultra-orthodox Salafist Muslims and the largely urban creative class critical of them. After decades of living in the secular-but-censored totalitarian state of Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, post-revolutionary Tunisia is struggling to find the balance between recognizing free expression as a pillar of a fledgling republic and acquiescing to the newly vocal minority of conservative Muslims that, after years of religious oppression, are loathe to accept any attack on their faith. And the government seems to be failing the test. 

Above: Posters by Tunisian graffiti artist Electro Jaye

(via ARTINFO: Following Tunisia’s Art Fair Riots, Artists Speak Out About the Escalating Attacks on Free Speech)

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