
David Hellman (of A Lesson Is Learned, Braid, and Second Quest!) did this terrific incentive cover for Issue 7.  That issue is out TOMORROW :0

I painted this variant cover for issue 7 of the fantastical Ryan North’s Midas Flesh comic book! Something bad is happening to King Midas, that’s why his face is like that.

  1. davidhellman reblogged this from midasflesh and added:
    I painted this variant cover for issue 7 of the fantastical Ryan North’s Midas Flesh comic book! Something bad is...
  2. ryannorth reblogged this from midasflesh and added:
    Issue 7 of Midas Flesh is out today! Second-last issue of the story, y'all. CRAZY THINGS BE HAPPENING. Here’s a SNEAK...
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