“Meditation I (2014)
Meet @msadjei. We became friends while I was living in Ghana earlier this year, thanks to @oseiduro. I was struck by her demeanor, the sound of her voice, and those cheekbones! I was already working with this Audre...


Meditation I (2014)
Meet @msadjei. We became friends while I was living in Ghana earlier this year, thanks to @oseiduro. I was struck by her demeanor, the sound of her voice, and those cheekbones! I was already working with this Audre Lorde quote for my mural in Accra, “I AM DELIBERATE AND AFRAID OF NOTHING.” Learning about all the interesting things Maame was doing convinced me to also do a portrait of her using this text. #portraitprofile #narrativesandmeditations #writing #papillion

(via msadjei)

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