Vitamin G(azelle Twin)

listen: Unflesh

“The idea of ‘unflesh’ is like a shedding of skin. It’s a tearing out of your body down to your skeleton and breaking free. I was also interested in the London riots: young people are always demonised, very misunderstood, but they’re also at the peak of this intense consumerist culture. You just think, what might happen if we ply generation on generation with excess desire, unattainable desires, and just hammer it? It’s survival mode, but it’s survival for nothing. Survival for the most menial reward. You’re not running from a lion, you’re just trying to get out of the supermarket after buying some dinner.” - Elizabeth Bernholz on her second LP to date as Gazelle Twin

Check out Dazed for a track-by-track walk through of the record by Elizabeth and order it now on her bandcamp or here.

[via Dazed]