January 13, 2014
It may seem hard to believe, but there is a possible upside to our recent deep freeze: subzero temperatures might be enough to kill off some of the area’s nastiest insects, ones that attack both plants and humans. Insects in the cross-hairs include...

It may seem hard to believe, but there is a possible upside to our recent deep freeze: subzero temperatures might be enough to kill off some of the area’s nastiest insects, ones that attack both plants and humans. Insects in the cross-hairs include hemlock wooly adelgids, southern pine beetles, emerald ash borers, and my personal nemesis, ticks. Personally, I’m hoping for a few more cold snaps if that’s the case! ~AR

(via Celebrating Deep Freeze, Insect Experts See a Chance to Kill Off Invasive Species - NYTimes.com)

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