October 18, 2014
“ Toxic, psychoactive Jimsonweed grows in Downtown NYC
“Beyond the innocuously descriptive "moonflower” (the tubular flowers open by night) and “thorn apple,” various sources identify it as “devil’s apple,” “devil’s snare,” “devil’s...


Toxic, psychoactive Jimsonweed grows in Downtown NYC

“Beyond the innocuously descriptive "moonflower” (the tubular flowers open by night) and “thorn apple,” various sources identify it as “devil’s apple,” “devil’s snare,” “devil’s weed,” “devil’s trumpet” (and “angel’s trumpet”), “mad apple,” and “locoweed,” among many others.“

See? A bit of plant knowledge makes the world a more interesting place. After all, you never know what might be growing right next to you. ~LM

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    Brugmansia or "angel’s trumpets”, with tamer doses of the same active ingredient, are another psychedelic toxin found in...
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