June 22, 2012
Five Overlooked Plants that can Survive the Dark (Almost)
If you’re like me, you probably work in a cubicle. It’s small. It’s dark enough that your co-workers, whose cubicles meet with actual windows, occasionally reference the Limbo scene from...

Five Overlooked Plants that can Survive the Dark (Almost)

If you’re like me, you probably work in a cubicle. It’s small. It’s dark enough that your co-workers, whose cubicles meet with actual windows, occasionally reference the Limbo scene from Dante’s Inferno. And the plants you keep happily die as soon as you set them on the shelf.

Or most plants, anyway. On an average day, I’ve got a black thumb like Death himself. The hardiest of cacti and the most easy-going of orchids wither at my approach like I’m one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. But for those with a gardener’s sensibilities and a cubicle’s limitations, there’s still some off-kilter brand of hope to be had in these five low-light plants. And just think: if you can snuff out mint or ivy despite your best efforts, you’re almost as cool as me. –MN

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