April 26, 2013
“ “It’s a landscape archtitect’s job to pay attention to the things nobody else notices: the placement of benches, the way a rail curves around a tree, everything…”
“Why are those things important if nobody notices?”
“Because there’s...


“It’s a landscape archtitect’s job to pay attention to the things nobody else notices: the placement of benches, the way a rail curves around a tree, everything…”

“Why are those things important if nobody notices?”

“Because there’s an intrinsic feeling to being in balance.” 

We <3 our landscape architects! Want to see what an incredible landscape architect can do? Then join us next weekend when we fete our newest garden, the Native Plant Garden, designed by the incredible Sheila Brady, principal at Oehme, van Sweden & Associates. ~AR

(via humansofnewyork)

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