June 14, 2013


Orchid hunter, floral experimenter, wall typographer

A look into the novel orchid workshop of Yoichiro Uchida, in Fukuoka Japan. An interesting concept, and a beautiful mise en forme. One of my favorite blogs PingMag did a very nice article on him that you can read here. It’s worth a look! Also, you can find his workshop tumblr here. Enjoy!

That’s a familiar wall for obsessive orchid collectors (we have a bunch in the Nolen Greenhouses for Living Collections!). Sooner or later, you leave the pots behind and occupy an epiphytic space of…driftwood and tree bark. And you stand in front of it, thinking to yourself, “Life is preeeetty good.” —MN

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    “floral experimenter” needs to be my job title
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