I know you’re freaking out.

You have this baby that needs you to survive. YOU. And you don’t know if you have the ability to help this little one grow into a functional human being. Though you’ve been through rough stuff before, you now have an actual life to care for—a delicate, innocent life. But, see, here’s the thing…

You can do it.

Not only can you do it, you will. You’ll kick ass at it. Like, major ass. You might not feel like it as it’s happening, but you will.

You’ll trust you instincts, you’ll reach out for help when you need it, you’ll take time for yourself every so often, you’ll forgive yourself for getting mad or depressed and you’ll allow yourself to celebrate your victories, no matter how insignificant they seem.

You are a parent. You are not perfect, but your baby doesn’t need perfect. Your baby needs you. Flaws, quirks and all.

And the one thing, the most important thing, you can offer that baby is love. You honestly don’t need to know anything else because your love will lead you to the answers you seek. It will be the divining rod that points the way as you help this baby—your baby—grow.

So, chin up. Trust yourself. You’ve got this, okay?

You’ve got this.

(image via)

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