Time for another episode of Discussing News With My Kids.

This week, Wyatt and Boone offer their perspective on current events like the Ice Bucket Challenge, a possible update to YouTube’s strict policy on children’s accounts, and the decline of the “celebrity scent.”

And, as always, it’s short. So, y'know, watch it and stuff.

37 notes
  1. sleepthinks reblogged this from thedaddycomplex
  2. themostinterestingkids reblogged this from thedaddycomplex and added:
    And what an enlightened perspective it is!
  3. andimthedad said: What, no discussion of Ferguson, or ISIS, or the Ukraine, or South Sudan, or the dissolving of the French government? ;-)
  4. bluishtigers said: this is so good! my heart exploded.
  5. littlefrills said: this is incredible…I enjoyed watching!
  6. thedaddycomplex posted this