We did another Week In Dads Google hangout thing… Look, just know these video discussions are coming your way each week. You can either get onboard or rail against it. But, either way, it will happen. It’s like Katy Perry that way.

This week, me and how2beadad are joined by shuggilippo and itylerparkinson. This week’s topics: Adrian Peterson, divorce hurts rich kids, parenting like our parents, racist trombones and learning to say BOOOOOYAHH to life.

18 notes
  1. shuggilippo reblogged this from thedaddycomplex and added:
    I think I’m the Katy Perry even though I felt more like Rick Perry.
  2. mykidjustsaid reblogged this from thedaddycomplex and added:
    We’re like the forced U2 album in your iTunes. You’re going to love us, whether you like it or not.
  3. thedaddycomplex posted this