
The surgical oncologist, Dr. W., just called re: pathology and the margins are large and FREE OF SARCOMA. I still have a ways to recovering from this surgery as well as follow-up care and screenings to look forward to but it looks like there will be no need for chemo or radiation at this point. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

YAY! Awesome news.

76 notes
  1. sugarsnailsandcurlytails said: Such good news!
  2. midwestern-momma said: Hoorah, and thank goodness because I do not own a single other yellow thing to wear. I mean, this is all about me and my wardrobe, right? :) So ecstatically happy for you! Now, sending all the fast healing vibes your way!
  3. fullydomesticated-blog-blog said: Yay!!! Such great news!!
  4. midwestern-momma said: Hoorah!
  5. havekidslaughmore said: Wooooot!
  6. mammalingo reblogged this from thedaddycomplex and added:
    So happy right now. I’m not going to stop smiling all day. Not even when I’m eating. Which will be awkward and messy.
  7. anotherdecemberbaby said: So awesome!!!
  8. mamamusement posted this