Anonymous asked:
Would you consider having any more kids? How many kids do you think you need before you're considered a 'large' family? I have 3 kids and am constantly being told I 'have my hands full'. Is it crazy to want a 4th?

No. We wanted two. We got two. We’re set.

And as I’ve said before, whenever my wife holds a friend’s newborn and I see a look in her eye like she misses having a baby, I hand her a margarita and keep them coming until the feeling passes.

But, you’re not crazy to want a fourth kid. Who cares what people say? To each his or her own. Anyway, it’ll just mean more margaritas for us.

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  1. jehn-o-iz reblogged this from thedaddycomplex
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  4. sextonka said: I have one but I came from a family of 8 kids and my goal is 10. Most people tell me Im insane but trust me there is nothing wrong with wanting more!
  5. losingwins said: Margaritas, the cure to baby fever. Your next book tittle maybe?
  6. thedaddycomplex posted this