
I CTFD by watching video compilations of the Wonder Woman spin transformation.

Sometimes, like with this clip (see the :18 to :28 mark), you even get a bonus spin so she can transform into one of her secondary outfits. Oh, yes, Gurrrl, had secondary outfits for swimming and such. Hell, she even had a cape. (See the very first spin in the clip.) 

Seriously, though, every parent needs to have their spin transformation perfected. One quick spin and you go from frazzled individual with a kid to glamorous parent. Perfection.

And, couldn’t we all use fabulous magic bracelets for deflecting the constant barbs and criticisms regarding our parenting skills and decisions that are shot at us by strangers, family members, and sometimes our own kids?

I have spent decades perfecting my transformation spin and for the first time am releasing photographic evidence.

Me, pre-spin:

Me, post-spin:

I can’t guarantee your spin results will be as dramatic or pleasing to the eye. 

***Trivia: Did you know in the first two episodes Wonder Woman’s spin transformation did not include the blast/explosion ball image? True story. See here if you don’t believe me.***

Prespin Photo Credit

Postspin Photo Credit

Electradaddy wins all the awards!

38 notes
  1. timespacewitch reblogged this from thedaddycomplex
  2. havekidslaughmore said: Dying
  3. mysolitaryskirmishes said: I dunno… parenting is pretty dizzying already!
  4. lazydad said: I say pre-spin Charlie Capen is still pretty hot. You know, for a hunchback and stuff.