Clean your house, Go Green, and get fit, too!

As an earth-loving mom, you’ve often lamented that your vacuum cleaner uses too much energy, but using an old-fashioned broom and dust pan just won’t cut it. You know your kids aren’t getting enough exercise, with childhood obesity and diabetes on the rise. And to top it off, that lazy husband of yours won’t lift a finger to help with anything!

Well now you can solve all your problems with the new Tidy Toddler! The Tidy Toddler encourages family togetherness, fitness, and cleanliness in one convenient appliance. Simply strap your toddler in and push him around the house. The confines of the strap encourage him to use his feet to grab dirt and debris with his legs in a pincer motion, improving muscles and coordination, then lift the disgusting refuse to his hands, and finally to the waste bin behind his head, promoting flexibility

And your husband won’t miss out either! Pushing your child around the carpet on a contraption that’s the equivalent of a luggage handle duct-taped to a carseat will improve his quads, triceps, and pecs. And you’ll love the bond that develops as your family cleans and gets healthy together.

All this with no carbon footprint!

Tidy Toddler! From the makers of DustBaby.

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