
Local782 was established as a project of the Media Justice League to bring awareness, support, and innovation to San Antonio’s music community. Uniting musicians to create opportunity by organizing, educating, and performing.

Contact: localseveneightytwo@gmail.com



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This meeting/discussion will feature special guests, local Hard Rock road-warriors, The Heroine in a panel discussion about TOURING. We’ve been looking forward to this one for a while and have had several requests to cover this information. The band will give direct accounts about their experiences on the road, what they have learned, where to start, and how to make the most of the trip. The night will open up into a Q&A format for any specific questions we may be able to help you with. We’ll share some resources with you, and hopefully you’ll be on your way to getting on the road.
Wednesday, May 29
White Rabbit (2410 N St Marys)


  1. local782 posted this

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