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Do you guys like Gumbel?
My roomate does.
I’m making her this crudely ‘shopped Gumbel fabric
  1. stellarsyzygy reblogged this from ebtpearce
  2. oisinpayne reblogged this from channel101tumblr
  3. thesoundofonebrainthinking reblogged this from channel101tumblr and added:
    Make that fabric now. I will make my husband Gumbel Jammies. This will please him greatly.
  4. im-the-doctor-basically-run reblogged this from channel101tumblr
  5. channel101tumblr reblogged this from ebtpearce
  6. baltimorefootstomper said: holy smokes, that’s gonna make the most rad article of clothing ever!
  7. ebtpearce posted this