The Strange Case of An 18th-Century Sex Change Surgery

The Strange Case of An 18th-Century Sex Change Surgery

I found the case presented quite thought-provoking (but ignore the article’s conflation of various sexual and gender identity terms and all its inaccuracies…)

It made me ponder on the historical perspective of sex, gender, body, and identity: how were they all perceived? how have those perceptions changed? how haven’t they? what was (or is still) considered immutable, favorable, taboo?

LGBTQ transgender intersex Gender gender identity history

  1. bematthe reblogged this from sociolab
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  3. the-real-seebs reblogged this from theprettiestboy and added:
    Huh, fascinating.
  4. theprettiestboy reblogged this from neutrois and added:
    Hey the-real-seebs, weren’t you looking for older medical views on trans and intersex stuff a while back? This is pretty...
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