West Hollywood law requiring gender-neutral restrooms goes into effect


West Hollywood law requiring gender-neutral restrooms goes into effect


As of Thursday, all single-stall bathrooms in Los Angeles County’s West Hollywood municipality must be gender-neutral. 

Existing businesses have 60 days to replace signs and make other accommodations to turn any single-stall restrooms into all-gender spaces, while new buildings will have to plan on gender-neutral single-stall restrooms immediately. The law will expand and simplify bathroom access for trans people, people with disabilities, and people with children of a different gender.

A city statement also said the law would benefit “the many people who have waited in line for a gender-specific restroom when a restroom for a gender for which they don’t identify remained empty.”

Washington, D.C., passed a similar law in 2006 and recently began threatening businesses with fines for not complying.

In 2013, Oregon’s Multnomah County passed a law that requires single-occupancy, gender-neutral restrooms in all new construction projects, while the Philadelphia City Council passed a similar law the same year.

Yes. This everywhere, please. 

(via gaywrites)

LGBTQ Gender gender neutral bathrooms gender neutral LA transgender genderqueer nonbinary non-binary genderfree

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