Real Sorbet

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Sweet Lime, aka Citrus Limetta, Moosambi, Limu Shirin and a variety of other names is a species of citrus that is native to South Asia, South East Asia, the Mediterranean, but is also grown around the world and even in our own South Florida! It tastes more like a mild orange than a lime despite its yellow-green appearance, and its edible fruit is packed with Vitamin C. We first heard of Sweet Lime watching Wes Anderson’s The Darjeeling Limited which features the fruit in its popular drink form, Mosambi (sweet lime) juice. The little glasses of juice looked so refreshing on film that we were very excited to test out the fruit for sorbet! Look out for our small-batch of deliciously delicate Sweet Lime sorbet this coming weekend at Fairchild’s Ramble Festival, 11/9 - 11/11!

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