1. Post-It Note BomberMan.

    Post-It Note BomberMan.

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    158 notes

    1. mrshovelbunny reblogged this from 8bitfuture
    2. motionpixel reblogged this from 8bitfuture
    3. emchen88 reblogged this from 8bitfuture
    4. thatkidwiththeswag reblogged this from 8bitfuture and added:
    5. maika-101-blog reblogged this from 8bitfuture
    6. dracokin reblogged this from 8bitfuture and added:
      This is not bomberman this is megaman, for a “video game” blog, you better get your facts right.
    7. plotspackleplays reblogged this from code-gorilla and added:
      Yes he is! He’s totally the Blue Bomberman!
    8. evenrobotsneedhugs reblogged this from 8bitfuture and added:
      Need to do this in the office.
    9. offtonebuschoir reblogged this from 8bitfuture
    10. techmattersyes reblogged this from 8bitfuture
    11. lemonlimejump reblogged this from 8bitfuture and added:
      Reblogging for the notes.
    12. niub reblogged this from 8bitfuture
    13. 8bitfuture posted this