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“ “To some plastic surgeons, a naturally stunning woman looks more like a work-in-progress. What does this somewhat terrifying reality say about the state of beauty in our culture?
That’s what photographer Marc Erwin Babej wanted to explore in his...

“To some plastic surgeons, a naturally stunning woman looks more like a work-in-progress. What does this somewhat terrifying reality say about the state of beauty in our culture?

That’s what photographer Marc Erwin Babej wanted to explore in his new series,"Mask Of Perfection.” Babej worked with his close friend, plastic surgeon Maria LoTempio, to illustrate the difference between a woman’s natural beauty and the “correctable flaws” a plastic surgeon has been trained to see. (Scroll down to see the images.)

“The idea came to my head very spontaneously,” Babej told the Huffington Post in an interview. “I had been taking portraits and I was on the phone with Maria, and the idea just came to me. I suddenly had this vision in my head – what would Maria mark up on her? What would Maria find about her, from her perspective as a plastic surgeon?”

After some debate, the pair decided to focus solely on women’s faces for this first set of photographs, but are considering a second part to the series which would focus on the rest of the female body.“

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