Ana Hernandez

Welcome to pics and bits of my work life: deep play to enable us to deepen our communities invite and include absolutely everybody. We'll sing, talk, listen deeply and feel our way to our most rooted presence. The possibilities are as endless as the stars. There will be singing, praying, deep laughter and insight enough for everyone to leave their comfort zones and walk  together. After all, we're all just walking each other home.Scroll to the bottom of the page and more will load: tunes, videos, pics, stories, quotes.


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RIP Pete Seeger. I hope you are well, singing, and making up songs.

1) Ana and Pete at the Storm King launch party. DIA: Beacon 4/11/13 

2) Pete, Toshi and their posse leaving DIA as the party winds down.

3) The Storm King Audio Book jacket and Pete, looking, well, like Pete. :)

4) Great pic, huh? 

5) Postcard he sent me around 1985. He must have sent thousands of them to musicians all over. 

6) Front of the postcard: Pete leaving the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in the dust by singing and playing. Works for me.

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