Everything I Bought and How It Made Me Feel

a year-long log of my purchases / a project to weaponize the quantified self / an auto-anthropology of the consumer subject / a self-help diary / an attempt to mine the nature of daily anxiety / a lo-res dataset about late capitalism / a car crash / a sick joke / a repetitive litany of suffering / an exploration of loser agency / a parodox of subjectivation / an exercise in hope / quarterly reports and info about the artist at www.harrygiles.org

not a barrel of lawyers
Item: Bills (Tax)
Cost: £369
Needs: 100% Safety
Affect: Awful / -9
aye but everything about this enrages me / the regressive taxation / the crap administration / the way i am probably paying more than i should / the way...

not a barrel of lawyers 
Item: Bills (Tax) 
Cost: £369 
Needs: 100% Safety
Affect: Awful / -9 

aye but everything about this enrages me / the regressive taxation / the crap administration / the way i am probably paying more than i should / the way i just want to forget about it / not think about it / and so just let the money go / i hate it all / if there were not a barrel of lawyers to my head i would not pay it / the only reason it is not a -10 is just that i am  beginning to be inured / and i hate that too