May 11, 2012


Medical experiments on chimpanzees can be invasive, involving injections, blood samples and liver biopsies. But some say it’s the only way to advance medicine.

In recent years, Japan, Europe and the U.K. have all ended the practice. The U.S. and Gabon are the only two nations to continue using chimpz for medical research.

Are there ever instances in which the scientific value of research should offset the moral cost of working with chimps? What are your thoughts on this?

Followers, what say you?

  1. cjsoapbox-blog answered: I don’t mind using animals before using humans but I think the testing standards for both humans and animals should be about the same.
  2. ah-thenah reblogged this from themedicalchronicles
  3. themedicalchronicles reblogged this from newshour and added:
    Followers, what say you?
  4. stockleygardens answered: chimpz
  5. newshour posted this
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