September 30, 2013

irandommomentsdevida asked: In general, what Hogwarts house would be the most fun to treat and which would be the most painful/annoying and why? Also, which house do you think would have the most injuries in general? ((Hehehehehe //keeps flinging Harry Potter questions at you))

Haha keep ‘em coming! As long as you fling Harry Potter and Sherlock questions and Nutella, and not crazy pens like you do to poor Cranquis.

Anywho, I think Gryffindor would be the most fun class to treat - because they get into all sorts of weird trouble and you’ll get to use all your medical knowledge lol - but so do Slytherin. Hence, I think both classes would have the most injuries as well. Slytherin would probably be more annoying though just because they might have students like Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. And of course you have all the Quidditch players. Hufflepuff would probably be the sweetest to treat though.


  1. themedicalchronicles posted this
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