October 19, 2013

tanvicious said: I wonder why medical anthropologists don’t get more credit for having a whole academic field dedicated to this already.

You know what, I’m actually not sure, and medical anthro is something I’d really like to further study. Any followers have ideas? I think people actually might not know so much about the field, although there’s so much literature out there about it…

Perhaps while medical anthropologists draw on biology, society, culture and more, studying various aspects of health and illness, people in mainstream media like to see doctors themselves write stories, essays, and narratives, almost as if it defines a physician-patient relationship…

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    Uh sorry for butting in here, but I heard “medical anthropology” and had to join. Medical Anthropology is still a...
  5. anthrocentric reblogged this from themedicalchronicles and added:
    Uh sorry for butting in here, but I heard “medical anthropology” and had to join. Medical Anthropology is still a...
Justice in Medicine

Justice in Medicine

Vol 4 Issue 1 of The Medical Chronicles. A special edition related to topics of justice in medicine!

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Mental Health

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