“ oh-snap-pro-choice:
“ betterthandarkchocolate:
“ thelipstickontherim:
“ Bring socks!!!! #homeless #donate #homelessness
As are toiletries!
I would also advice NOT to buy wool socks because yes, they are warm, but wool shrinks...





Bring socks!!!! #homeless #donate #homelessness

As are toiletries!

I would also advice NOT to buy wool socks because yes, they are warm, but wool shrinks very easily, some people are allergic to wool, and wet wool is one of the most uncomfortable things in the world.

Thick cotton socks would be best, they’d last the longest and be the easiest to take care of and clean.

- Jane

Cotton is best. Always cotton

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    Reblogging this again, because fall is fast approaching:Underpants (preferably cotton, in multi-packs)Bras Undershirts...
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