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Typo Talk: Laine Fraser

A Graphic Designer, turned self-obsessed crafter, Laine heads up the Typo graphic design team. This is the team that day-in-day-out come up with the amazing design you see printed all over the product in-store. From notebooks to drink bottles, on-a-roll tape to packaging and everything in between, there is nothing in store that hasn’t had Laine (and her teams’) creative fingerprint across.

Read on to hear all about Laine, her creative inspirations and what she loves most about her job…

Full Name: Laine Fraser

Current Job Title and Company: Senior Graphic Designer, Typo



What’s a typical day at the office?
I usually have breakfast at my desk while reading and replying to emails, and then my day kind of fluctuates between a few things; receiving briefs and work-shopping ideas with the Buyers, researching inspiration for artwork, working with my team, creating designs for anything from notebooks, journals, wall art, cards, wrapping paper, posters, cushions, printed papers, on a roll tape – the list goes on..! Oh, and there’s often the occasional crafting/DIY session, just to shake things up a little & keep us on our toes.

What is the best gift you have ever received? 
A lab heeler puppy from my other half. Best gift EVER.

Typo throws you a party, what guests do you invite? 
Um, everyone?!

Stationery item you would be lost without?
On a roll tape… Still slightly obsessed with taping everything in sight.


Where do we find you on a Sunday morning?
You’d find me in my studio, more than likely up to elbows in paint, glitter & pencil shavings.  Whether it be designing, drawing, painting or working on some random DIY project, I love setting aside time on my weekend to be creative. This weekend’s DIY project is is a geometric clay pot – fingers crossed I nail it..!

What would we always find in your bag?  
My phone, my vanilla body spray from The Body Shop & it’s mega geeky (!) but my external hard drive.


Trends you rocked but wish you hadn’t?
Pedal pushers. Stirrup pants. Scrunchies. Oh, the list goes on…

Secret crush when you were a kid?
Jim Carey (Wtf?!), Scott Wolf from Party of Five & Zac Hanson. Oh, the shame of it all.

What would we find on your desk?  
Anything & everything – a pantone fan, colour palettes, mood boards/inspiration images, mason jars, glitter, on a roll tape,  all of my jewellery (for some random reason I just can’t seem to type when I have my rings on), post it notes, pens & my DIY concrete pot with my (slowly dying) cactus in it.

Best piece of advice? 
Create the things you wish existed.

Craziest thing about your job?  
How different each day is, and the need to adapt with ease and enjoy the challenge. I can go from creating colour palettes & putting together mood boards, to working with the Buyers and my team, to designing amazing artwork and crafting up a storm with all of the fun, new Made products – and that’s just one afternoon!

Weirdest thing that has ever happened to you? 
I’ve been bitten by a penguin.


Laine’s faves:

Favourite blog or website?  
Instagram – that counts, right..?

Favourite travel destination? 
Bali – my home away from home.

Favourite super hero?
Captain Planet.

Favourite room of the house? 
My studio, hands down. I love having my own creative space where I can go nuts, make a mess & not be frowned upon when I get ink on the carpet or leave a trail of pencil shavings through the house.


The final five:

Post it note or iPhone?  

Favourite Typo product?  
The ram skull

Fun fact? 
It’s kind of boring but everyone always seems so fascinated by it – I hate cheese.

What can you not live without?  
My two dogs. Love them.

Any last words? 
Appreciate good people. They’re hard to come by.
You know all those things you’ve always wanted to do? You should go do them.