April 8, 2013
Over analyzing/breaking down the new Captain America: Winter Solder pic


Apparently filming has begun on the new Cap film and Marvel sent the following pic to a number of news outlets. (Not mine which I found disturbing). Along with the picture was a press release that had some interesting nuggets in it.  One would be Confirming Batroc the leaper is indeed being played by some UFC guy that I couldn’t care less who he is and the biggest reveal iin the press release stating “…as Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world and teams up with Natasha Romanoff, aka Black Widow, to battle a powerful yet shadowy enemy in present-day Washington, D.C.” Looks like Black Widow is playing a fairly big role in the film and if you are a fan of the Winter Solder character/story you might know why….

Knowing the story along with reading the press release, it’s obvious S.H.I.E.L.D. will play a GIGANTIC role. Announcing Robert Redford is playing a high ranking official for the organization and bringing Cobie Smulders back as Maria Hill only cements that….and maybe that Giant S.H.I.E.L.D. logo in the picture too.

Cap wearing his shield on his back is a classic staple for him. I thought it was weird he didn’t have his shield with him at all times in the Avengers because in the comics, it seemed rare if you saw Cap without it. It’s more then a weapon…it’s a symbol he proudly wears. The
behind the back approach is a great “casual” look keeping that idea in mind.

and now…I leave you with a awesome picture of Batroc the Leaper….


I can only pray that the costume and look is an exact translation from the comics…