April 21, 2012
Food for the Season: Storing the season's best picks

Even with awesome sunny SoCal weather you can still put up your own food especially when you grew it yourself. foodfortheseason’s link to The National Center for Home Food Preservation doesn’t work. Click here instead.


The squirrels in my neighborhood are on a serious mission to find and bury as many nuts as they can in preparation for the cold winter ahead. Watching them reminds me of a time when it was normal practice to can, or “put up” produce picked in peak season to be enjoyed during the bleak days of…

9:20pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZWHSjvI2J52u
Filed under: seasonality produce 
  1. foodpreservation posted this
    Even with awesome sunny SoCal weather you can still put up your own food especially when you grew it yourself....