2 Notes


These are awesome!!!! Credit is due to this blog (you should go read all the cool benefits to the ingredients).

It’s easy to tweak- like adding peanut butter or nuts- and all the ingredient list is super short. Here’s how I’ve been doing it:

I prefer these in mini muffin tins… For portion control :)


1C coconut oil
1/2 C maple syrup
3/4 C cocoa

Dates (8-10, soaked for 20 minutes or more)
Puffed quinoa or brown rice cereal*
Nuts and/or peanut butter (optional)

*do this yourself by toasting some quinoa on the stovetop, buy the puffed cereal, use nuts instead or just skip this if you don’t care about crunch in your cups


Melt coconut oil and then whisk together cocoa and syrup.

Put a couple teaspoons of chocolate in the bottom of each cupcake liner. Sprinkle some crispy quinoa on top and stick these in the freezer to harden.

Meanwhile, put your dates in the blender or food processor to make a nice paste- your caramel!

When the bottom layer is frozen, add a dollop of caramel on top, using wet fingers to press it into place. Then pour the rest of the chocolate over the tops, pop them in the freezer and you are minutes away from a perfect treat.

I have done this with peanut butter instead of the caramel, and with added nuts. But I think the tastiest option is to just add peanut butter to your dates and have a PB caramel. Best of both worlds!




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