Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme



you know you go to a small school when…

So I’m sitting in this mandatory lab (on a friday night!) and I was talking to one of the guys from my lecture and we were chatting about the retreat we were both missing because we didn’t want to fail lab and he casually mentions he can’t believe one of our mutual friends broke up with his super serious girlfriend. While this is happening the girl on my left who I vaguely know is talking to one of my friends who is sitting to my right. Once me and my guy friend are done talking the girl on the left of me (who I barely know) pipes up Oh are you talking about ________ and _________ the girl is my roommate! Then the girl in front of us pipes up oh _______ I know her too! I can’t believe they broke up! Moral of the story I am never dating here. Everyone knows everyone’s business and its getting kind of old…