April 9, 2012
Flashback: January 1, Y2K. I wake up. We still have power. There aren’t fires or ravenous mobs in the streets. I’m still wearing my pajamas, my parents haven’t left me and my sisters haven’t been eaten by aliens. There’s only one thing amiss…my...

Flashback: January 1, Y2K. I wake up. We still have power. There aren’t fires or ravenous mobs in the streets. I’m still wearing my pajamas, my parents haven’t left me and my sisters haven’t been eaten by aliens. There’s only one thing amiss…my Furbies won’t stop creepily rocking back and forth and blinking uncontrollably at each other. I was 11. I went to bed convinced that if I made it through the night, I would wake up in a parallel universe, a world in which chaos had replaced order. But really, all that happened was my robotic friends forgot everything I’d taught them. They couldn’t even speak furbish anymore. They only blinked. 

(via zoomerbro)

10:39pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZWtx_wJP13Ta
Filed under: furbies y2k nostalgia 90s 
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