April 13, 2014





Pantene Philippines #whipit Labels against women

This is so relevant it’s not even funny.

That vanity issue. Telling they’re worthless if they don’t look dolled up, but are shallow if they doll themselves up.

They’ve done studies that prove this is absolutely true (not that any of you doubted it). Sheryl Sandberg wrote about it a lot in Lean In, in the context of how bosses and job applicants are perceived. It’s known as the Heidi/Howard experiment. A man and a woman with equal accomplishments are viewed completely differently. Women are viewed as either nice or competent - not both. 

(via cognitivedissonance)

9:44pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZWvbJy1CzyGhT
Filed under: Sexism 
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