July 31, 2011
This is from Gotham Central 32. These are two corrupt cops, one of whom is narrating this particular issue.
In it, he talks about the Major Crimes Unit. The M.C.U. is the only unit to not contain corrupt police officers in the city. The cop describes...

This is from Gotham Central 32. These are two corrupt cops, one of whom is narrating this particular issue. 

In it, he talks about the Major Crimes Unit. The M.C.U. is the only unit to not contain corrupt police officers in the city. The cop describes the make-up of the M.C.U. as being “all the women are lesbians and all the men are affirmative actions hires.”

It’s interesting that this is so rightly viewed/written as the opinions that come out of corruption, and yet, we’ve seen a lot of similar comments (quota fills!), booing people asking questions about sexism, dismissal from those in power and insults directed at women asking for better representation as a fallout from the actions that were taken at SDCC. 

And yet, these same people who dismissed those asking for better representation of women, are the very people who write, create and read about superheroes; superheroes who are also known as those who stand up to bullies, do what’s right, stand against corruption and stand up for what they believe in. 

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