October 13, 2011
[tw for misogynist and ableist language] wow cool, there are some really. really. horrible messages in FYJT


i hate everyone and

i hate being called a “bitch” because God fucking forbid I want to read comics where women aren’t treated like shit

sorry it’s issue #1, I forgot I need to read like 100 more before I can decide to make opinions.

And yeah I do know how comics work. WHICH IS HALF OF THE FUCKING PROBLEM

but that’s cool call me a bitch and shitty and stupid

fuck you.

 You know I really didn’t want to say anything but…

Basically what Shelley said. At what point do people think this is OK?

My favourite part is that after we’re called bitches and told to calm down, chill out and let the issue drop is that our tone is just way too hostile and negative. :| Or that we (and Laura Hudson) have set women back 50 years.  :| :|

  1. heyitsmeshaunna reblogged this from georgethecat
  2. georgethecat reblogged this from cooltrainershells
  3. fuckyeahbatgirls said: Ugh I’m so sorry you’re getting this bullshit. /offers hugs
  4. thesidekickcomplex said: Oh god, when I read the few that were posted I thought “how does she even have the patience for these Anons”. I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say to make things not completely suck :<
  5. fyeahlilbit3point0-blog said: Fuck that asshole. Fuck him.
  6. carriefishersmiddlefinger said: ugghh hate.
  7. powergirl said: omg I hate everyone. I got a few messages on fydg about it and one of them was like ‘how do you feel about dick’s ex bff and rival taking turns pounding kory’ and I just want to punch this person
  8. cooltrainershells posted this