Making RSS Graffiti Avatar


Upcoming release tonight

While preparing for launching RSS Graffiti version 2.0 in January, we will be making an intermediate release today.

Although tonight’s release will be bringing RSS Graffiti very close to version 2.0, you will neither notice any differences in the user interface, nor will you be getting any new features tonight.

So here are the important things that we will be deploying tonight:

  • Pack-up all the updates and hot-fixes we had deployed since version 1.9.0 Beta into a single release.
  • Adjust the RSS Graffiti’s database and code-base to run with our new processing engine.
  • Deploy more new servers to cope with the increased demand.

The past few weeks we repeatedly run into server issues due to heavy load as another 50.000 active walls have been added to our systems during the past two months, bringing the total number of Facebook Walls on which RSS Graffiti is publishing today to 150.000 and the number of feeds being published on those walls to 240.000. That’s a big number of walls and feeds to check and publish every few minutes.

To allow our servers to cope with their workload we increased a few days ago the minimum waiting time in the processing queue to 15 minutes (from 10 minutes). This means that no target is currently processed more often than 4 times per hour which in turn takes some load off of our current servers.

We have been preparing and testing our new servers for the past couple of weeks and we will be switching to them tonight during the new release.

We are going to do our best to minimize the down-time during this release. So, talk to you later!