I am Private Manning

Because I believe the public deserves the truth and whistleblowers deserve a fair trial.

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Daniel Ellsberg
I was the Bradley Manning of my day. In 1971 I too faced life (115 years) in prison for exposing classified government lies and crimes. President Obama says “the Ellsberg material was classified on a different basis.” True. The...

Daniel Ellsberg

I was the Bradley Manning of my day. In 1971 I too faced life (115 years) in prison for exposing classified government lies and crimes.  President Obama says “the Ellsberg material was classified on a different basis.”  True. The Pentagon Papers were not Secret like the Wikileaks revelations, they were all marked Top Secret–Sensitive.

Ultimately all charges in my case were dropped because of criminal governmental misconduct toward me during my proceedings.  Exactly the same outcome should occur now, in light of the criminal conditions of Manning’s confinement for the last six months.