
Almost three months ago, on 1st August, I started going cheep as a daily braindump, intending it to be the first thing I wrote every day, and to use it to kickstart what I only semi-jokingly refer to as my ‘mind’ into writing gear. And for the first couple of months, it did precisely that… until I tripped over a discarded carrier bag about a month ago and shattered the end of my collarbone and split the bone lengthways. Since then, I’ve not done a lot of writing. Not as much as I’d want anyway, but still I managed to put something up every day. Until yesterday. Not sure why, nbut I never quite got around to writing anything here yesterday which distressed me more than I thought it would. I mean, I’ve no idea how many people actually read these few hundred words; I never intended it to be something that’d be reblogged or retweeted. It was mainly, overwhelmingly mainly, just a writing exercise for me. And, as long as I then went on two write something else, that worked. But as I wrote a moment ago, I haven’t been writing; typing more than a couple of hundred words was just too damned painful and writing stuff longhand… well, that’s never been my preferred method of storytelling.

But, enough is enough. No matter how atrophied the old taletelling muscles, the time has come to force me to write. So, as well as apologies for missing yesterday - and an assurance to myself if no-one else that it won’t be repeated - I’ve signed up for another stint on elephantwords. The idea is simple: a picture is suppplied and a short (fewer than 800 words) story is demanded from the participants. It’s a six week stint, and the last time I did it was a couple of years back, so it’ll be an interesting refresher if nothing else. My first story goes live tomorrow, and as is my own small tradition, I won’t even think about it until tomorrow.

The stories will be linked to from my blog, 'normal' tumblr and twitter feed. They won’t be here, so you might want to follow one of those.

Anyway, elephantwords writing commences tomorrow. And the rest is coming soon… sooner than you’d think.

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