Olympique Lyonnais Féminin
ASFF Epinal - OL Féminin

Full time in Epinal, Lyon wins 13-0 and will proceed to the next stage of the French Cup. C'est fini à Epinal, le score final c'est 13-0 pour Lyon !

78’ Penalty to Lyon, but the shot by Eugénie Le Sommer is saved by the goalkeeper. Penalty raté de Le Sommer.

76’ 13-0 by Ami Otaki! But de Otaki.

68’ 12-0 to Lyon, hat trick by Eugénie Le Sommer! Triplé de Le Sommer !

61’ 11-0 to Lyon! Goal by Ami Otaki. But de Otaki.

54’ 10-0 to Lyon and it’s a hat trick by Camille Abily! Triplé de Abily !

46’ Rapinoe, Tonazzi and Franco are replaced by Thomis, Georges and Otaki. Sortie de Rapinoe, Tonazzi et Franco, entrée de Thomis, Georges et Otaki.

The second half is underway. C'est reparti.

Half time. Mi-temps.

45+1’ 9-0 to Lyon by Lara Dickenmann. But de Dickenmann !

42’ 8-0 to Lyon by Camille Abily! But de Abily.

35’ 7-0 by Eugénie Le Sommer! But de Le Sommer !

31’ 6-0 to Lyon! Goal by Lara Dickenmann. But de Dickenmann !

27’ 5-0 by Tonazzi! But de Tonazzi !

22’ 4-0 by Amandine Henry! But de Henry !

18’ 3-0 to Lyon! Goal by Laëtitia Tonazzi. But de Tonazzi !

13’ 2-0 to Lyon by Camille Abily! Abily double la mise pour Lyon !

11’ 1-0 to Lyon! Goal by Eugénie Le Sommer. Ouverture du score pour Lyon de Le Sommer !

Kick-off. Coup d'envoi.

Starting lineup/Le onze de départ:
Franco, Viguier, Renard, Rapinoe
Henry, Abily, Necib
Le Sommer, Tonazzi, Dickenmann

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