February 27, 2014

An illustration I did recently for the fine folks at Con*Tact Caffeine, purveyors of quality smells. This is a label for one of their upcoming soap flavors that’ll be rose-scented, though I don’t know what they’re going to call it yet. Something suitably punny, most likely. Go buy some of their stuff!

  1. barksandscribbles reblogged this from malytwotails
  2. malytwotails reblogged this from contactreviews and added:
    Glad to finally get Ian on board! :D
  3. delcat177 reblogged this from surfdog2000 and added:
    I’ve had this stuff before (well, not this stuff specifically, on account of it doesn’t exist yet) and the scents are...
  4. surfdog2000 reblogged this from irisjaycomics and added:
    check it out, i can color things pretty decently now ALSO NOT EVERY LION I DRAW LOOKS LIKE OSCAR
  5. irisjaycomics posted this