May 5, 2014
New CROSSED WIRES page up on! That’s our protagonist up there– he’s a sword-wielding dragon who fights robots on the internet. If you’re not on board with this comic by now, I don’t know what more I can possibly do...

New CROSSED WIRES page up on! That’s our protagonist up there– he’s a sword-wielding dragon who fights robots on the internet. If you’re not on board with this comic by now, I don’t know what more I can possibly do here.

  1. medikslounge reblogged this from irisjaycomics
  2. breewolfstuff reblogged this from surfdog2000
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  4. surfdog2000 reblogged this from irisjaycomics and added:
    in case you’re wondering how many blown-out cyberpunk cliches I plan to cram into this series, the answer is: absolutely...
  5. irisjaycomics posted this