October 16, 2014

JUST A HEADS UP: There’s a new Crossed Wires page up today! There was a new Crossed Wires page up this past Monday, too, but I forgot to blog about it because I was running around all day trying to get my car fixed. (Busted ignition cylinder lock. Nothing too serious, but a royal pain in the ass to haul the thing around.) ANYWAYS, head on over to http://crossedwires.ianjay.net and catch up if you haven’t already!

ALSO HEY: We’ve almost hit FIFTY PAGES and I haven’t missed a single update deadline. WHAT SORT OF WARPED-ASS TWILIGHT ZONE WORLD ARE WE LIVING IN?!

  1. medikslounge reblogged this from irisjaycomics
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  3. surfdog2000 reblogged this from irisjaycomics and added:
    THANK GOODNESS FOR BUFFERS!! also thank goodness this comic is pretty quick and fun to crank out. YEAH
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