August 3, 2013

FROM THE SKETCHBOOK: Trumpetshark and i have been working our way through The X-Files from season 1 onwards.

It’s a really, really weird show. We’re on Season 4 right now and I’m not crazy with how goopy-gory some of the episodes have gotten, but I’m still SUPER on board to see more!

  1. angel-moose-hunter reblogged this from irisjaycomics
  2. orlyman reblogged this from dickjarvisblogblog
  3. macateallthespookings reblogged this from dickjarvisblogblog and added:
    Some of the best episodes are the intentionally comedic ones, like, they have some very (purposefully) surreal ones.
  4. surfdog2000 reblogged this from irisjaycomics and added:
    elevator pitch: two federal employees endure the wackiest shit ever for eight years and somehow don’t become completely...
  5. dickjarvisblogblog reblogged this from irisjaycomics and added:
    It reminds me a lot of doctor who, in that The episode could be legit good or spooky, or it could be silly and goofy or...
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